College Gate Episode 06 | Pakistani Dramas

college gate episode 06

Here is the story of College Gate Episode 06:

The episode begins with Zarar and Mamia arguing about their future plans. Zarar wants to become a musician, but Mamia’s parents want her to become a doctor. The argument gets heated, and Zarar storms out.

Meanwhile, Natalia is struggling with her studies. She’s not sure if she’s cut out for college, and she’s starting to doubt herself. She confides in her friend Asad, who tells her that she’s just going through a rough patch.

Later that day, Zarar and Mamia meet up to talk. Zarar apologizes for storming out, and Mamia tells him that she’s willing to support his dream of becoming a musician. The two of them make up, and they agree to work together to achieve their goals.

In the next scene, Natalia is talking to her professor. The professor tells her that she’s a bright student, but she needs to apply herself more. Natalia is determined to do better, and she vows to study harder.

The episode ends with Zarar, Mamia, and Natalia all sitting together. They’re all feeling optimistic about their futures, and they’re excited to see what the future holds.

Here are some of the key points of the episode:

  • Zarar and Mamia argue about their future plans.
  • Natalia struggles with her studies.
  • Zarar and Mamia make up.
  • Natalia vows to study harder.
  • The three friends are optimistic about their futures.

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